Sunday, October 31, 2010


On Tuesday last week my computer crashed. I rushed it to the Apple store in Cincinnati. They tried to resuscitate it but it did not work. They told me they would have to keep it to work on it. I finally got my computer back on Friday. I know that's only 4 days but it felt like a lot longer. In those 4 days I got 2 jobs. Babysitting 2 adorable yet very loud and energetic little boys (aged 2 and 3) and working part-time at an assisted living facility as a resident assistant. I also finished all 20 of the table numbers for the wedding and cut out and assembled approximately 25 feet of pennant flags (apparently that's the official name) for the wedding reception. It was a productive week. And now I have a cold. Here's some pictures from my weekend.
Bonfire at my Grandma's...I promise there was fire in there.
I carried all this wood.

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