Monday, October 11, 2010

TJ/Lindsey Time

The only time I seem to blog with any consistency is after I've spent time with TJ.  Maybe that's because it's the only time I have anything interesting to write about.  Here's a recap of our 2.5 days together.

Friday Night:  TJ was supposed to get in around 11:40 pm.  Official arrival time was 1:06 am.  Quite a delay.  We were both pretty tired but so happy to see each other.

Saturday:  Up bright and early for engagement pictures.  Yes, we already had some done but they came with our wedding package so we thought, Why not?  Ok, that's what I thought.  Thankfully I'm a lucky girl and TJ smiled through more pictures just for me.  After pictures, we had to book it to a catering consultation.  YUM!  We had salad, 3 different chicken entrees and 2 beef entrees.  The Winners were the salad and the stuffed chicken parmesan!  We still have to decide on a few more things but we're one step closer to finalizing the big wedding decisions.  After the catering appointment, we went back to my parent's house, hung out and had dinner with them: zucchini and asparagus, baked potatoes and chicken wings.  And wine!  Then we cuddled on the couch and attempted to watch a movie.  I fell asleep.

Sunday:  Breakfast with my parents: fruit salad, bacon and coffee cake.  Then we went to church.  It was so nice to go to church together.  It's one of the main things I miss about being apart.  After church we relaxed and looked through pictures.  Then we got ready and went to Mamma Disalvo's for dinner.  Even though our anniversary isn't until next week, we celebrated while we were together.  It was our one year anniversary (dating) and we realized that we will be getting married 1.5 years to the day after we had our first date!  We had a fun dinner together.  I got baked ziti and diet coke and TJ had spaghetti and meatballs and Mello Yellow (he had to settle since they didn't have mountain dew).  Then we visited my grandma and watched Iron Chef.

Monday:  Our last day together.  We hung out and had lunch at a little cafe.  We got cheeseburgers and split a strawberry milkshake (so romantic).  Then I had to take him to the airport.  I cried before we even left the house.

Ugh.  I hate the airport.

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