Thursday, October 14, 2010


Things that always make me happy:

Hot chocolate
This perfect-shade-of-pink lipstick that I found for like $1.99.  I'm more of a lipgloss girl but this just makes me feel better when I put it on.
Flowers.  I'm lucky that whenever I pick TJ up from the airport or he picks me up...I get flowers!
Sitting in church with TJ.  It's like everything I need in life is in the immediate area surrounding me.
Driving with my best girl friends and chatting about life and getting lost.
Diet Cherry Pepsi.  I know, I know. Artificial sweeteners.  It's good ok? I have to live a little.
Puppies!  My heart just melts.
Quotes about love. i love love.
The ocean.  but I'm learning to appreciate the beauty of the mountains.
When I twist my hair into a bun on the top of my head (and TJ calls me Lindsey Loo-Hoo) and when I take it down in the morning my hair is wavy and perfect.  (this only happens, oh maybe, 20% of the time)
When I hear of people who throw away their boring, conventional lives to pursue a lifelong dream.  So brave.

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