Sunday, February 6, 2011


There are no words.  I've put all my words into my thesis and defense.  Maybe tomorrow when I'm smarter and have my Master's Degree I'll have something interesting to say.
black dress: Forever 21, blazer: UO, tights: target,
black boots: Payless, belt: thrifted

up-close of my belt.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Picture Post.

I did wear a 30 for 30 outfit today but forgot to take a picture.
Lets use our imagination...Skinny jeans, tall brown boots, blue/teal tank top, mauve-ish ruffle sweater.  In other news... Today I had my first wedding dress fitting.  The alterations cost almost as much as my dress!  Insanity.  Maybe bridal stores should have a petite section so short brides don't have to chop off 6 inches of dress.  Anyways it was fun to put my dress on again!  I can't wait to wear it in less than 2.5 months!

Friday, February 4, 2011

I heart play dough.

I babysit.  I'm a babysitter.  That's my job.  My outfit reflects that today.  I try to look semi-pulled together when I babysit just so their mom doesn't think I'm a bum.  But today I woke up late, had an 8 am "discussion of thesis phone call" with my advisor and somehow managed to pour coffee into a coffee mug, pull my hair into a ponytail, throw on a scarf and show up by 9am to two little people (they're 2 and 3 but they're still people) who were still in their pajamas and eating Captain Crunch.  Kids don't know how good they have it.  We played with play dough, we "markered" (aka colored), we watched Beauty and the Beast (best part of babysitting) and I wiped up a lot of snot, changed a diaper, and got coughed/sneezed on too many times to count.

This picture sucks because I'm tired.  And I need to talk to my fiance.  Good night.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have a lot of countdowns going on.  Thesis defense: 5 days.  Internship applications due: 12 days.  Moving to Denver: 15 days.  Wedding: 72 days.

In the 15 days I have until I leave for Denver I have a wedding dress fitting, have to finish and send wedding invitations, have to pack up all my crap, have hair and make-up trials for wedding, finish DIY decorations in addition to the aforementioned thesis defense (no big deal) and applications.

I'm panic-stricken.  I will not worry.  Matthew 6:33-34: "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these other things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow..."

Day 3:
Shirt: Target, Jeans: Forever 21, Scarf: UO, Belt: Forever 21,
Boots: Macy's? (Honestly I don't remember, I've had them about 6 years)

Brrrrr.......Hat: UO

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We applaud sleep...

Disclaimer: We are not lazy.  I promise.  TJ works incredibly hard and sometimes I do too. Also...I eat very healthy (most of the time).

TJ and I are weird.  We know that we are.  We think it makes us pretty cool.  When one of us sleeps for a long time or takes a long nap instead of doing something productive, we applaud each other.  Like we tell each other that we're awesome for sleeping.  We also do the same thing for eating.  If I eat large quantities of unhealthy foods (like the other day when I made 3 dozen cookies and ate 2 dozen), TJ gets really excited and tells me to go eat more.  He's the perfect man.

Day 2:

cardigan: Forever 21, yellow tank: H&M, skirt: American Apparel,
tights: Kohls, clogs (that you can't see): Kohls
Secret message for someone special.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1 of 30/30

 This is a terrible, no good, very bad way to start this off!  Ice storm + thesis writing + no where to go = very little motivation to look cute.  You're lucky I even got dressed/put on a teensy bit of makeup/pulled my hair into a haphazard fishtail braid.  I promise this will get better.  Here's some pictures I literally just took.  Don't judge me.

Apparently this is what I look like when
 I set my camera timer for 2 seconds instead of 10.
I whip around and smile with a lot of teeth.  Awesome. 

Sweater: UO, Tank: Victoria Secret, Leggings: Target, Scarf: gift from China

P.S. I need to take some photography lessons or something...
My skillz are a little sub-par.

Monday, January 31, 2011

30 for 30 Picks

Black leggings, Straight leg jeans, yellow tank

Skinny jeans, black pants

Casual black dress, floral skirt, greyish pencil skirt

Purpleish sweater, pink tee, white tunic, cream sweater

Blazer, blue tank

Grey dress

Purple sweater, grey sweater, yellow sweater, red ruffle shirt

tall brown boots, black clogs, brown booties,
tall black boots, grey flats (please ignore the dust)
So that gives me 24 items...I still need six more.  I'm thinking I'm going to add a blue and white stripe button down, a sheer floral top, a teal skirt, a black sweater, a black dress and something else.

P.S. I'm sorry for the terrible pictures.  I am by no means a photographer.  Hopefully you can kind of tell what these clothes look like.

Friday, January 28, 2011

30 for 30

I'm on a budget. A strict budget. An essentials only budget (I count a weekly latte at Starbucks essential).  Anyways I've been reading this blog, Kendi Everyday and she does thing every season where she challenges people to pick 30 items from your closet (including shoes) and you have to use only those 30 items to create outfits for 30 days.  I've never done this but I'm assuming it helps you extend your clothing budget by pairing items you wouldn't normally wear together.  I'm very excited to do this.  My goal is to choose my 30 items this weekend and take pictures and post them.  Then starting February 1st I will post a picture of my outfit everyday.

Feel free to join in!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ok, so I know that it's almost February but I wanted to do a recap of 2010 (because it was such a great year) and resolutions for 2011.

- 3 weddings of some of TJ's best friends (and now dear friends of mine)
- Our first Valentine's day together
- Lots of dinner dates and movie nights in the Attic
- A new job for TJ and a move to Denver
- Drove from Ohio to Colorado together
- The beginning of a long-distance relationship: Lots of learning, tears and becoming a stronger couple
- Getting Engaged!
- Planning a wedding
- 2 Notre Dame Football games
- Spending Thanksgiving and Christmas together
- Learning how to be in a relationship when one person is a carnivore (TJ) and one is a vegan (me)
- Getting our first apartment together

Resolutions for 2011:
- Pray more frequently together
- Get baptized together
- Abandon my deeply-rooted career goals and be more open to something completely different
- Drink less Mountain Dew and more water (this one's for TJ)
- Write Thank You notes (and send in a timely manner)
- Learn to sew (a little; were on a budget!)
- Read more
- Grow herbs
- Make more memories