Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ok, so I know that it's almost February but I wanted to do a recap of 2010 (because it was such a great year) and resolutions for 2011.

- 3 weddings of some of TJ's best friends (and now dear friends of mine)
- Our first Valentine's day together
- Lots of dinner dates and movie nights in the Attic
- A new job for TJ and a move to Denver
- Drove from Ohio to Colorado together
- The beginning of a long-distance relationship: Lots of learning, tears and becoming a stronger couple
- Getting Engaged!
- Planning a wedding
- 2 Notre Dame Football games
- Spending Thanksgiving and Christmas together
- Learning how to be in a relationship when one person is a carnivore (TJ) and one is a vegan (me)
- Getting our first apartment together

Resolutions for 2011:
- Pray more frequently together
- Get baptized together
- Abandon my deeply-rooted career goals and be more open to something completely different
- Drink less Mountain Dew and more water (this one's for TJ)
- Write Thank You notes (and send in a timely manner)
- Learn to sew (a little; were on a budget!)
- Read more
- Grow herbs
- Make more memories

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