Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So today I took pictures of most of the furniture in my apartment and posted it on Facebook so people can (hopefully) buy it.  I've been meaning to do this for a few weeks so it feels good to have that checked off my to-do list.  It's also a little sad that in 3ish weeks I'll be moving out of my very first apartment and back in with my parents.  Seems like I'm going backwards but they are necessary changes in order to move forward.  Today was busy and I am rewarding myself with a night of laying on my couch, eating a warm apple blossom (from Trader Joe's, yum!) with vanilla ice cream and watching episodes from Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy!  And maybe some Skype with TJ so he can see my new haircut!

Monday, August 9, 2010

We have a blog!

I can't believe we have a blog!  I've talked about creating one for a while now and in the spirit of accomplishing goals, I finally decided to do it.  And it took all of 3 minutes.  I guess being diligent about posting (and having interesting things to post) will be the more difficult part.

While TJ and I are doing long distance, and with my impending move to Denver, CO in 8 months, I wanted a way to keep in touch with friends and family and keep everyone updated on what's going on in our lives.

Please check back often as there will surely be lots of posts about love, adventures, food, wedding and then marriage stuff and navigating life as 20-somethings!  Oh, and be prepared for lots of lists...I'm a compulsive list-maker.